Visiting Malioboro, particularly the traditional market Beringharjo, visitors may encounter a number of street food vendors. The variety food is of typically traditional Java cuisine, such as; vegetable salad with peanut sauce (called pecel), fried noodles, flavoured tofu and fermented soybean cake, flavoured pigeon. Walking through the entire pavement amid the crowd, you will not miss this view. Observing at a glance, the piles of food displayed look tempting, especially when hunger comes. Unfortunately, the vendors let their food uncovered.  It enables ‘anything’ stop in – the smoke emitted by the vehicles passing by, the carbon monoxide of the many pedestrians, the flying dust, etc. Despite of the fact, the vendors seem never rest for several minutes for their plastic chairs available near the food table are luckily always occupied by buyers. The buyers usually eat on the spot. What is something extraordinary from these people (the buyers) is while they are enjoying the meal, they don’t look care much about the crowd, the hoarse voiced street singers in turns, the beggars, or even the hygiene of the meal itself.


About Ruli

Just an ordinary woman, a mom with only one son, a person who always makes her life count, little headstrong, not talking too much but attempts to criticize things that go wrong,,,that's me. ^^V

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