14th February is a valentine’s day, people say so. But it’s not the topic I want to share here. What I want to share is about my third trimester unborn baby and our first experience of seeing the latest ultrasound technology, called 4D ultrasound scan. On the date, my husband and I went to Grhasia mental hospital located in north Yogyakarta to see my unborn baby through 4D ultrasound imaging. Why it should be in a mental hospital? Because the cost in Ghrasia hospital fits my budget, it is worth IDR 125,000 (CD included). If you do comparison, it is proven the cheapest amongst other healthcare providers.

Before I did this 4D prenatal exam, I used to do regular exams in Panti Rapih hospital by using a standard ultrasound which can only produce live 2D images. As my gestation has reached 7 months more or 29 weeks, I decided to do 4D exam. This is accordance with my doctor’s advice – as long as the baby hasn’t reached the due date and there is still adequate amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, the baby’s face can be seen clearly.

I took my husband with me in order that he knows how our baby looks like in 3D/4D ultrasound. Therefore, he asked his boss for permission to leave office for a while on the day. We couldn’t visit Grhasia on Saturdays for avoiding the temporary permission, because the radiology department only opens on weekdays – Monday to Friday. Every Monday to Thursday, it serves only four patients and two patients on Fridays. Too few? Yes, as it is a radiology department. So, it serves not only mothers who want to check pregnancy through 3D/4D ultrasound, but also those with difficult illnesses.

In the exam room, we – my husband and I got very excited as the monitor screen was displaying our baby’s image and movement. We could view how the baby smiled, opened his eyes, and heard his heartbeat. Alhamdulillah…….his heartbeat is normal, his fingers are complete and he is healthy in my womb. He is so cute.

Wanna see a piece of his facial image? Here it is……..

Whomever you resemble, you are so adorable ..n_n..

About Ruli

Just an ordinary woman, a mom with only one son, a person who always makes her life count, little headstrong, not talking too much but attempts to criticize things that go wrong,,,that's me. ^^V

3 responses »

  1. intan rawit says:

    alhamdulillah…wah kayaknya mirip papanya nih, lucuuu…dah siapin nama blm mb?dah bisa borong2 keperluan bayi juga nih, dah 7 bln. selamat ya dek kurang 2 bulan lagi akan bertemu mama dan papa tercinta, sehat2 ya disana, hugs and kisses from tante intan

  2. […] Seeing The Unborn Baby Through 3D/4D Ultrasound Scan/* Begin Contact Form CSS */.contactform { position: static; overflow: hidden; width: 95%;}.contactleft { width: 25%; white-space: pre; text-align: right; clear: both; float: left; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 5px 0;}.contactright { width: 70%; text-align: left; float: right; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 5px 0;}.contacterror { border: 1px solid #ff0000;}.contactsubmit {}/* End Contact Form CSS */ .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} All Best Belly Casts Info are Here Make your own belly cast for pregnant women, fast and easy […]

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